Bringing neighbours together


Visitor Parking Permits

There’s now an online portal for buying (and then using) visitor parking permits.

To Access the permit portal:

  1. From the CWAC home page (https://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk),
    select “My Account” and login with your email address and password
    (You can also sign up for an account from here if you don’t already have one).
  2. Select “Apply for  a resident or visitor permit”
  3. Select “Visitor permits”
  4. Select “Apply for Visitor Permits”

You will the be re-directed to the permit portal
(You may be asked to login again).

To buy visitors parking permits:

  1. From the permit portal, select “Buy/Use Vouchers”
  2. Specify the number of vouchers you want to buy and click “Buy”
  3. Tick the “I agree …” box to the accept terms & conditions, and click Continue
  4. Enter payment details, then the payee details, and then review and click “Make Payment”
  5. Once payment has been authorised you will be returned to the “Buy/Use Vouchers” screen

To use visitor parking permits:

  1. From the permit portal, select “Buy/Use Vouchers”
  2. Click “Activate” against the type of permit you wish to use (all day or two hour)
  3. Enter the car registration details and click “Activate


Request for electric charging posts; request forwarded to relevant Council Department for confirmation of Policy.

Submission made to Council to extend Residents Parking, Zone F to Sundays with extra bays.

The following answers have been provided by the Council in response to questions raised by Chris Garner of the KSARA Committee:

Only residents without a parking space on their property are eligible for a Residents Permit ? – We operate a priority policy. Priority one permits are issued to properties without any parking provision and without any other permit holders at the address. Priority two permits are issued to properties with parking provision or with one or more permit holders at the address. Priority three permits are issued to properties nearby the zone whose property has no parking provision or has parking provision inadequate for their needs.

IF a resident has a parking space at another owned property within the area but also own a property within the area without a space are they eligible via the property without a parking place for a Permit ? Yes

Can a Resident in one Zone get a Permit for another Zone ? – Yes, if the zone their property falls within is full they can apply for a priority three permit in another zone.

Day visitor permits are they only available to those with a valid Residents Parking Permit ? – no

OR can a Resident not in the scheme have access to these Day permits ? – yes as long as they reside at an eligible address

MAY a Resident with a RPP make the Day Permits available to other Residents ? – I suppose they could but it goes against the spirit of the scheme as properties are only entitled to 10 all day permits and 20 short stay (2hr) permits every 28 days.

Tradesmen working on a Residents property are they covered by the Day visitor permits and required to park in the Resident bays ? – Visitor permits can be used by tradesmen

OR can any resident in or out of the RPP scheme have a “Seperate” Permit for a Tradesperson to park on the highway and are they restricted to Residents parking bays or may they park on double yellow lines, or is the Tradesperson responsible for obtaining any Permit ? – This is a dispensation permit for vehicles involved in works. They can be applied to allow parking on yellow lines if this is the nearest suitable parking place but will cost £10 per day for the first 2 days and then £20 per day thereafter. Dispensations for parking in a residents’ bay cost 90p per day (the same cost as an all-day visitor permit), providing they are applied for by a resident within an eligible property.

Firemans Cottages would these Residents be eligible for either Day Visitor Permits or access to a Tradesperson Permit to park on the adopted highway. – Residents permits and visitor permits – no, as the properties are not included in our list of eligible addresses. Dispensation permit – yes at the £10 etc charge referred to earlier.

Are you able to say the total number of bays available in Zone F, – 11

The total number of ‘live’ permits. – 11

The number on the waiting list. – 7

Is it true that the Council will only supply Permits to match the available number of bays ? – yes