Bringing neighbours together


The KSARA Committee runs a programme of regular social events throughout the year and is always open to ideas from residents for new activities.

The first event of the year is the KSARA Pub Quiz, a light-hearted but highly competitive evening in which teams strive to take home the much-coveted trophy and avoid the wooden spoon of shame. We were delighted in 2023 to be able to move back to a face-to-face event at the Pied Bull after a couple of years on Zoom. In the summer we hold a Street Party, the highlight of the year at which we come together to share food, drink, music and even a bit of dancing. And in December we gather around a cup of mulled wine to host a Christmas Carol Singalong in aid of a local charity chosen by the residents.

You’ll find more information about past events here, and about upcoming events here.