Bringing neighbours together


KSARA is the Residents Association for people living in Canning Street, Firemans Square, Kings Buildings, King Street, King Charles Court, Kings Court, Pemberton Road, and Water Tower Street.

Its purpose is to bring neighbours together to create a strong, friendly, and active community.

We are very interested to hear directly from you about any areas of concern that you would like us to work on – do email us using the address in the sidebar, or contact any member of the committee. We will review items raised regularly and use the residents forum to make sure we stay working on things that have benefit to as many in the community as possible.

You’ll find a list of the current committee members here.

We are using the email address in the sidebar for all correspondence so that all committee members can keep abreast of what is going on.

If you want to direct an email to a particular committee member, just put their name in the subject line and they will answer it directly.

In this section of the website, you’ll also find minutes from committee meetings, AGM papers, and our Constitution.