Bringing neighbours together

Op Shield Going County Wide

Message sent by
Clare Harrison (Cheshire Police, Engagement Officer, Corporate Communications)

As part of our ongoing work to deter people from committing crime in Cheshire, we are investing in forensic property marking to identify those responsible for theft. The work we are doing in this area of prevention is branded Operation Shield.

What is Operation Shield?
Operation Shield is Cheshire Constabulary’s unique DNA marking system that protects homes and businesses by reducing burglary opportunities, deterring offenders, and identifying and recovering stolen property.

Whilst Operation Shield is already present in parts of Cheshire, Neighbourhood Policing Teams are visiting households and business premises throughout the county to introduce the forensic property marking. They will be offering free SelectaDNA kits which are made by the UK company Selectamark Security Systems plc.

What is SelectaDNA?
It is a cutting-edge way of protecting your property from theft. Each bottle within the kit contains thousands of tiny microdots, each with a unique DNA code, which, when applied, will identify it as being registered to you.

SelectaDNA is unique, in the same way as human DNA, but is manufactured artificially. There are billions of different combinations so no two bottles are the same.

The solution is hypoallergenic and harmless to animals; when dried it is almost invisible so it is difficult for offenders to see. It will not damage the property in any way and remains traceable for years after application, even when exposed to the elements.

Why use SelectaDNA?
Over 90% of UK police forces now use SelectaDNA in crime prevention schemes. It is a proven deterrent against theft and burglary because criminals fear the power of DNA technology. By discreetly marking your items with the solution, registering your kit on the secure database and displaying warning stickers on your property, you will make your home a less desirable target for thieves.    

The DNA coding in the liquid is registered solely to your address and added to the SelectaDNA Secure Asset Register, meaning that any stolen items can be traced back to you. No data is held by Cheshire Police.

Many insurance companies actively recommend forensic property marking to their policy holders.

Taking action against theft
Officers in Cheshire are equipped with UV torches that can identify the forensic property marking on stolen items and offenders. This instantly links criminals to crime scenes and increases the chance of convicting thieves.

All people suspected of planning or committing crime in Cheshire are scanned by officers to check for traces of the DNA.

All property recovered by Cheshire Police is scanned. If any evidence of the liquid is detected, the information is uploaded to the database of registered addresses and items can then be traced back to the owner.

With our deployment of Operation Shield, we are sending a clear message that anyone considering committing a theft or burglary in Cheshire will run the very serious risk of facing criminal conviction.

Special offer
As well as the free kits that officers will be distributing, Cheshire residents can purchase additional kits, using a unique code, for £27 inc. VAT and postage (RRP £59.50). Go to https://www.selectadna.co.uk/nhw and enter the unique code: NHWSHIELD    

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