Bringing neighbours together

CRAG updates

Hello everyone,

Hope you, your families and communities are keeping well and safe during these lockdown times.

Here are a number of updates from CWaC, Cheshire Police and on a lighter note CH1 BID and Storyhouse…


1)      Chester Northgate – Click on the link for the latest May 2020 Northgate newsletter:  http://chesternorthgate.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/CNG-Newsletter-May-2020-Final.pdf

2)      Inspire Cheshire West Please see email below for launch of the website We may be socially distant but communities across Chester have never been closer as people pull together to help each other out. CWaC wants to hear what we’re all doing – whether it’s staying home to protect the NHS, putting a rainbow in your window, picking up shopping for your neighbours, working to keep services open or putting your skills to a new use.  To register visit:  www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/inspire and press the ‘register’ button.

3)      Cheshire West Voluntary Action (CWVA)   Again, please see email below for the latest from CWVA about community initiatives, Snow Angels (dog walking, befriending calls, shopping and collecting prescriptions) as well as funding AND even job opportunities.

4)      Postcard You should all receive an A5 size postcard from CWaC? It details the same messages as contained in the newspaper advert (see attached in case you haven’t yet seen/received it) which has been running in the local press describing the council’s approach to supporting the wider Cheshire west community during the pandemic.


5)      Q&A – On Tuesday’s Cheshire PCC David Keane and CC Darren Martland are holding a weekly online Q&A. The idea of the sessions is to give reassurance about policing during the pandemic. The weekly deadline for submitting your questions is Sunday and should be emailed to: pcc@cheshire.pnn.police.uk with the subject title ‘Reassurance Q&A’.  Alternatively, questions can also be taking during office hours by calling 01606 364000.

6)      Police Powers Survey In these unprecedented times the police have been given emergency powers under Coronavirus legislation. To give feedback and influence how the police continue to do their duty please click on the link:  https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=158643604024   

7)      Online Scams  Cheshire Constabulary’s Cyber Crime Team has seen a massive 400% increase in online fraud during the crisis. What to do if you receive such an email: • Do not engage with the fraudster – delete the email and report it to Action Fraud: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report-phishing  • Do not be tempted to pay the ransom, doing so will likely encourage more scams.• Do not worry if the email includes your password; in all likelihood this has been obtained from historic breaches of personal data. You can check if your account has been compromised and get future notifications by visiting: https://haveibeenpwned.com/  • If the email includes a password you still use then change it immediately.• If you have been the victim of a sextortion scam and have paid the ransom, then report it to Cheshire Police by calling 101. For more advice and information about staying secure online, visit the National Cyber Security Centre website: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/section/information-for/individuals-families#section_3


8)      Do you know a key worker who deserves a treat? Barbour Chester are giving away a Classic Wax Jacket worth £200 but WE NEED YOU to nominate a worthy winner!  Nominations on the Experience Chester website via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CH1ChesterBID/photos/a.170164836526593/1303287726547626/?type=3&theater  or Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B_VjLwmF4s2/?igshid=46618jx4bmsz&fbclid=IwAR1inzP-lRftA6EOeIKqP5MdOzo1HCx1Y_diC3d7SSRRIX2mHHDwVnSRfsQ  

And finally….STORYHOUSE

9)      Our friends at Storyhouse have moved a huge amount of what we love about the place – both kids and grown ups – online. Every day there are new stories and poems; new games to play at home, as well as online Italian and German classes, Quarantine Karaoke, Young Storyhouse, support sessions, public speaking groups and other ways of talking to human beings. To find out more visit: https://www.storyhouse.com/

Stay safe. Keep smiling. See you on the other side.

Vanessa Bond

CRAG secretar

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