Bringing neighbours together

City and Newtown Cheshire Alert newsletter

Please find your City and Newtown Cheshire Alert newsletter which will provide you with an update of work done in your local community, contact details, crimes and ASB reports.
Contact Details:
Beat PCSO James Hannath (20647) james.hannath@cheshire.pnn.police.uk
Assistant Beat PCSO Eva Williams (22297) eva.williams@cheshire.pnn.police.uk
Retail Crime PCSO Steve Edmonds (21795) steve.edmonds@cheshire.pnn.police.uk

Follow us on Facebook: Chester City Police or/and Twitter: @ChesterCityPol
Contact by phone for non-emergencies T: 101 Emergency only: 999

We are pleased to be involved in the Dream Big event at Storyhouse on Saturday 5th October 2019 10am to 2pm , where we will be there to discuss what it is like to be in the Police Force and giving the opportunity to learn about front line policing work in the community.

If you haven’t heard of a Police Surgery they are part of our engagement program to meet your local Policing Team, discuss ideas, raise concerns or just have an informal chat.
We run weekly Surgeries at the Town Hall Police Station where you can just drop in!
Following dates and times are:
7/10/2019 @ 5pm – 6pm
14/10/2019 @ 12pm – 1pm
22/10/2019 @ 12pm -1pm
28/10/2019 @ 5pm – 6pm  

External Surgeries area also held at:
Storyhouse, 12/10/19 @ 10am – 11am
Chester Market, 18/10/19 @ 7pm – 8pm
Dial House, 25/10/19 @ 12pm – 1pm

Faith Groups
Over September an individual was reported to have continued to cause alarm and distress to a volunteer and staff at a Church within the City. As part of our support and working together we were able to identify this person, place a banning order on the individual and completed training with those affected by using the City Link, CCTV and discussing conflict resolution methods.

Road Safety
Do you have a road safety concern? We are currently completing proactive work around concerns from our local community over this from speed management, obstructing, contravening road signs.

Working with Community
We are always keen to work alongside our community, we attend regular resident group meetings where you can raise local concerns.
Part of our working with community is problem solving, if you would like us to attend your group meeting or be a Home Watch Co-ordinator, please contact us.

Schools and Young People 
We visit our schools on a regular basis to engage with parents, teachers and students. We are planning to work on presentations in the future about current topics around safety.

Visibility and Reassurance
We are working on visibility and reassurance by listening to our community and targeting locations reported to us, creating a patrol plan and targeting individuals causing issues and disruption.

Incident of Note 
We have received a report where youths have let off a firework within the bus station, obviously this is a highly dangerous and risks not only the general public but the individuals themselves.  

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